The summers in Karachi are always sweltering, but this year has beaten all records. For a couple of weeks it felt like the Sun had some personal vendetta; the relentless heat and the humidity were stifling. To top things off, my refrigerator broke. It looked like the heat had gotten to it too. I did what any sane woman would do..I called a technician I could find in my area because I wanted things to get back on track asap. My worst fear was the milk that would turn sour and the popsicles that I had made for my kids would melt.
I wondered if there could be a one-stop solution to all my summer woes. Like for instance, where would I find a reliable service for heat-proofing my roof in Karachi so we could have a relief from the high temperatures, or if there was somebody who would deep clean my water tank, clear out bugs, fumigate the kitchen.. Most of all, RESPOND when we call them. The few servicemen we had in our area knew that we were helpless without them, so they took their sweet time in coming, and also charged whatever amount they desired. I was already sick of it all.
As luck would have it, the person who came to ‘fix’ the fridge didn’t really know what he was doing. He fiddled with a few things, put in some gas and got the fridge started. I paid him the amount he asked for, grateful that my problem was solved. Only to find my fridge wheezing a couple of hours later, and then it stopped again.
There is one thing that us women love to do whenever we are faced by a problem. Call the husband. Of course he couldn’t do anything from his office, sitting on the other side of the city. My next call was to my sister. I wailed and complained, even cursed the so call ‘tech’ who had apparently scammed me.
Fortunately for me, my sister is active on social media and it paid off. She led me to a service on Instagram by the name of Forifix home improvement services. It seemed like the ideal solution to my problems. The more I scrolled, the more excited I became. Words like heat-proofing and maintaining temperature, Refrigerator repair services and summer AC repair and maintenance in Karachi jumped out at me, and the staggering reviews of people who had already trusted Forifix for their services had me convinced.
One phone call and couple of hours later, an authentic and professional repair guy had fixed the gas issue of my fridge, mended the leak and had it up and running. He confidently reassured me that I wouldn’t have to call him again in 24 hours and this time the problem was truly fixed. “Fori-Fixed” as he so aptly said.
I knew I had to get my house heat-proofed because the metrological department had given out a warning for heat wave in Karachi. This time, I did not waste my time or money on calling any loose technicians who would use limestone on my roof, do an incomplete job and take my hard earned money. To beat the heat, I called Forifix to heatproof my house this summer. And boy, am I glad I did!
Being a karachiite, I consider myself a resilient and strong person. But with the summer heat crossing new heights every day, and my poor kids on vacation already, keeping them indoors would have been difficult unless my house offered respite from the scorching heat outside. Every mother knows how kids don’t feel the sun beating on their backs as long as they are playing..but with the Forifix team working on heat-proofing my roof diligently even in this weather, I knew it wouldn’t be a problem anymore.
The best thing is, I learned how leak proofing the roof for leakage and seepage issues is also an important step before heat proofing can begin! Something no other contractor before had bothered to mention to us. The Forifixers (as I like to call them) went about their work meticulously starting with foundation and cracks repair which is a testament to the team being trained and professionals. They did not use Limestone or any such material, they applied thorough coats of primer and paint based coatings with chemicals that insulated and sealed every inch. Heat-proofing my roof and windows meant the sunlight wouldn’t be absorbed and make my house unbearable; the rays would be reflected back and away which would help me in keeping the temperature of my house cool and comfortable
House maintenance is a hefty task, something that women understand more deeply than men. Forifix is a woman led venture, which makes it a detailed and efficient service. They don’t just provide with a solution, they actually dive deep and fix the problem. And the confidence I have that they deliver on their commitments has made my life so much easier. Now I know whether it’s a fan that doesn’t work, a net that needs fixing, deep cleaning of my house or bigger problems like water leakage repair before monsoons in Karachi or heat-proofing for summers, I can get it Forifixed!.
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