Did you know we have a supermom among us who cares for our wellbeing and health so much that she took the leap against all the odds to #ForiFix our oddjobs that keep us away from our core activities?!
Well, Samina Faisal Khan aka The ForiFix lady, is that one brave visionary woman who’s up all night working hard to make Pakistan bug-free through her wide range of odorless and safer pest control solutions clubbed together with amazing home cleaning and improvement services. And why do you think she took upon such a huge responsibility on her own? Because, being a woman, she too had to face all those challenges we all do daily to keep our homes cleaner and healtheir. Be it bugs or dirty rugs, fused bulbs or leaking tubs, she understands the pain we mums go through to get things fixed while we are busy juggling with other tasks.
This mommy of two toddlers now, left her corporate career right when she was at her peak outperforming her counterparts four years back just so she could stay with her kids and raise them well. But then, she wasn’t at rest as she had our kids on her mind too.
Despite some serious health issues, financial constraints, social and industrial challenges, she has never looked back since then and has been successfully raising awareness and educating masses about hazards and risks of pests, bugs, toxic pesticides, unsafe fumigations, filthy water tanks, dirty sofas, carpets and mattresses around??!!
We are lucky to have her with us today right here to answer your queries and concerns about anything you might want to ForiFix. Just ask her and she’ll be happy to answer!
Oh! And by the way, she happens to be a very happy go lucky person. So, if you ever feel low or clueless about something, poke her- she is known for connecting people around too 🙂
Submiited by: Dr Shumaila
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